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Policies and Procedures

General Policies and Procedures

Participant Safety and Responsibility

The Department of Recreation and Wellness provides individuals the opportunity to participate in programs and facilities. Regardless of the activity, all participants must realize that they are assuming risks when they take part in an active recreation program. Each person must be aware of this assumption of risk and recognize that their participation is voluntary.

Each participant also has a responsibility to use prudent and ordinary care in their actions. For the safety of the individual and that of fellow participants, any situation perceived as a potential danger must be called to the attention of a Department of Recreation and Wellness employee. This includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Unsafe facilities.
  • Equipment that is broken or in disrepair.
  • A participant who is not feeling well or who is unduly fatigued.
  • A participant who is having unusual difficulty performing an activity.

Each participant is obligated to follow the rules and regulations for individual safety as set forth by the Department of Recreation and Wellness. This includes dressing appropriately and using protective equipment. Individuals choosing not to use such protective equipment, whether provided or requested, must realize they are doing so at their own peril and that injury may result.

It must be recognized that, even in safe environments, accidents can occur during active, vigorous participation. The Department of Recreation and Wellness makes every effort to keep all facilities and equipment in safe, operating condition. Both supervisors and participants must use good judgment and work together for safe participation.

Should an injury occur in the facility and/or during participation in any program, a Department of Recreation and Wellness employee will make arrangements for emergency transportation whenever appropriate. 

Patron Access and Conduct
  • A current Loyola ID, state issued ID, driver’s license or passport must be presented for entry into the Fitness & Aquatic Center (FAC) upon each visit for individuals 16 and older.  Members under the age of 16 must be checked in at the Welcome Desk each visit by their accompanying Parent/Adult member.  Please refer to the Youth and Children Use policy section for supervision expectations and facility availability for children/youth under the age of 16.
  • Individuals will be permitted to access the facility 3 times per semester without proper identification.  After the 3rd entry, individuals will no longer be permitted entering the facility without proper identification.
  • Treat the facilities, equipment, fellow participants and staff members with respect.  Behavior detracting from the enjoyment or safety of others is prohibited (i.e. aggressive/disruptive behavior, use of abusive/profane language, etc.).
  • The University Community Standards are enforced at all times.  Violators will be ejected from the facility.  Serious incidents or repeated abusers will be subject to sanctions under the University Community Standards.  Non-student offenders or repeat abusers will be subjected to sanctions by a member of the Department of Recreation and Wellness staff. Sanctions may include, but are not limited to: suspension from the facility, revoking of membership privileges, student disciplinary sanctions and others.
General User Policies and Procedures
  • Facilities and equipment must be used for their intended purposes only.
  • Participants must adhere to the dress code of each activity area.  Workout attire and non-marking shoes are required.
  • Secure all personal belongings in a locker or cubby.  The Department of Recreation and Wellness encourages members to lock up valuables.  Recreation and Wellness is not responsible for lost or stolen items. 
  • Food is not permitted beyond the Welcome Desk.  
  • The following items are not permitted in the Fitness & Aquatic Center:
  • Animals, with the exception of service animals.
  • Bicycles, skateboards, roller blades (permitted on MAC Court), roller skates, etc.
  • Physical contact, including but not limited to sparring, boxing and wrestling are prohibited outside of approved instruction.
  • Department of Recreation and Wellness staff reserve the right to deny facility use to anyone who refuses to comply with policies.
Youth and Children
  • Members under the age of 16 must be checked in at the Welcome Desk each visit by their accompanying Parent/Adult member.
  • Area specific age requirements information is available on our website
  • In areas where children are permitted, children under 16 years of age must be supervised by an adult member (18 years of age or older) at all times. 
  • Children over the age of 5 years old may not use the opposite gender’s locker room.  A family changing room is available in the pool vestibule.
  • All children must perform a swim test, swimming successfully for 25 yards without assistance or stopping, to enter the diving well.  Lifeguards administering the swim test have the authority to not pass the child if they feel their swimming ability is not strong enough to keep them safe in the water.
  • Children who cannot swim 25 yards without assistance or stopping can swim in the shallow lane (lane 1) within arm’s reach of an adult.  The adult must be in the water.  Coast Guard approved lifejackets are encouraged.  A lifeguard can provide you with an appropriate-sized lifejacket.
  • Children requiring the use of diapers during the normal daily activities must wear approved swim diapers while using the pool.
  • Coast Guard approved lifejackets are permitted in the lanes 1 and 2 only.  Lifejackets are not approved for use in the diving well.  Only Coast Guard approved lifejackets will be approved for use in the Mangione Aquatic Center.  No other flotation or swim aid will be approved for use in the facility.
  • Children ages 10 and under are not permitted in the hot tub or sauna.  Children ages 11 – 15 must be directly accompanied by an adult member (18 years of age or older) at all times.
Dress Code
  • Closed-toe athletic shoes must be worn at all times in activity areas.  Bare feet are permitted in the Aquatic center and locker rooms.
  • Tops and shorts/pants must be worn at all times in activity areas, excluding the Aquatic Center.
  • Area specific dress code requirements take precedent over general dress code requirements for the facility.
Inclement Weather
  • If the university closes due to inclement weather, the Fitness & Aquatic Center will be closed or have modified hours.
  • If the University declares a delayed opening due to inclement weather, the Fitness & Aquatic Center will open at the same time as the University. 
Group Usage
  • Group usage in Department of Recreation and Wellness facilities and fields is not permitted without prior approval.
  • Rentals are available for groups interested in reserving a space.
Personal Video and Photography
  • Personal use video and photography are permitted in most Department of Recreation and Wellness spaces with the exception of locker rooms and restrooms, where all photography and videography are strictly prohibited.  
  • Personal privacy of other patrons must be respected, and you must obtain their explicit consent to include them in your photo or video.  Taking photos or videos of individuals without their explicit permission is strictly prohibited.
  • Individuals taking photos or videos must not interrupt or cause any nuisance to others.  
  • If Department of Recreation and Wellness staff feel that a patron is abusing the personal video and photography policy, they will be asked to put their device away or leave the Fitness & Aquatic Center if they continue to violate the policy. 
Private Instruction
  • Outside private instruction is not permitted, without prior approval, at any Department of Recreation and Wellness facilities.
  • Private instruction and personal training are available to help meet those needs.

Area Specific Policies and Procedures

Mangione Aquatic Center

Health Department Regulations

Any individual who has the following conditions may not enter the water of a public pool or spa: 

  • Infectious or contagious disease that may be transmitted in water.
  • An open cut, blister or other lesion.
  • Diarrhea within the past 2 weeks.
  • Street clothes not allowed in the pool or hot tub.

Facility Policies

  • Swimming permitted only when a certified staff lifeguard is on duty and in position.
  • Individuals under the influence of alcohol or drugs are prohibited from use of the Mangione Aquatic Center.
  • Soap showers must be taken before using the Mangione Aquatic Center.
  • No diving into lanes. Diving is only permitted in the diving well lanes or off the diving boards.
  • No running or rough play in the Mangione Aquatic Facility.
  • No swimming under or walking on the bulkhead.
  • Swim lessons are offered to the Loyola Community in a private and semi-private format.  Only lessons taught by a Department of Recreation and Wellness employee are permitted.

Child/Youth Policies

  • Children under 16 years of age must be supervised by an adult member (18 years of age or older) at all times regardless of swimming ability.  If the child can swim, the member must be on the pool deck.
  • All children must perform a swim test, swimming successfully for 25 yards without assistance or stopping, to enter the diving well.  Lifeguards administering the swim test have the authority to not pass the child if they feel their swimming ability is not strong enough to keep them safe in the water.
  • Children who cannot swim 25 yards without assistance or stopping can swim in the shallow lane (lane 1) within arm’s reach of an adult.  The adult must be in the water.  Coast Guard approved lifejackets are encouraged.  A lifeguard can provide you with an appropriate-sized lifejacket.
  • Children requiring the use of diapers during the normal daily activities must wear approved swim diapers while using the pool.
  • Lifejackets are approved for use in the lanes 1 and 2 only.  Lifejackets are not approved for use in the diving well.  Only Coast Guard approved lifejackets will be approved for use in the Mangione Aquatic Center.  No other flotation or swim aid will be approved for use in the facility.
  • Children ages 10 and under are not permitted in the hot tub or sauna.  Children ages 11 – 15 must be directly accompanied by an adult member (18 years of age or older) at all times.

Hot Tub

  • The hot tub is available for use only during Mangione Aquatic Center operational hours.
  • The hot tub is available for use only when there is a lifeguard on duty.
  • Children ages 10 and under are not permitted in the hot tub.  Children ages 11 – 15 must be directly accompanied by an adult member (18 years of age or older) at all times.
  • No more than 12 individuals are permitted in the hot tub at one time.
  • Submerging your head beneath the water is prohibited.
  • Department of Recreation and Wellness staff reserve the right to remove any member or guest from the hot tub if they exhibit behavior that is believed to be unsafe or inappropriate.
  • It is recommended that use of the hot tub be limited to 15 minutes and not to exceed 20 minutes.
  • Enter and exit the hot tub cautiously using the stairs and hand rail to prevent slipping.
  • Exit immediately if feeling uncomfortable, dizzy, fatigued, and report problems immediately to the lifeguard.
  • CAUTION:  Individuals with medical conditions should consult a physician before using the hot tub. It is recommended that the following individuals should not use the hot tub: Individuals with heart disease, diabetes, high or low blood pressure, circulatory or respiratory problems, seizures, epilepsy, pregnant women, those who are using prescribed or illegal drugs, or anyone under the influence of alcohol.


  • The sauna is available for use during Mangione Aquatic Center operational hours.
  • The sauna is available for use only when a lifeguard is on duty.
  • Children ages 10 and under are not permitted in the sauna.  Children ages 11 – 15 must be directly accompanied by an adult member (18 years of age or older) at all times.
  • Pouring water on the heating element is prohibited.
  • Paper products of any kind (including magazines and newspapers) are prohibited.
  • Department of Recreation and Wellness staff reserve the right to remove any individual from the sauna if they exhibit behavior that is believed to be unsafe or inappropriate.
  • It is recommended that the use of the sauna be limited to 10 minutes.
  • Allow yourself at least 5 minutes after exercising to cool down before entering the sauna.
  • Strenuous exercise is prohibited.
  • Always keep a safe distance from the heating element to prevent injury.
  • Sitting on a towel is recommended.
  • Long exposure to sauna temperatures may result in nausea, dizziness and fainting. 
  • Exit immediately if feeling uncomfortable, dizzy or fatigued and report problems immediately to the lifeguard.
  • CAUTION:  Individuals with medical conditions should consult a physician before using the hot tub.  It is recommended that the following individuals should not use the sauna: Individuals with heart disease, diabetes, high or low blood pressure, circulatory or respiratory problems, seizures, epilepsy, pregnant women, those who are using prescribed or illegal drugs, or anyone under the influence of alcohol.

Diving Boards

  • Use of diving boards by more than one individual at a time is prohibited.
  • The first diver must be clear of the diving well before the second one leaves the diving board.
  • Only forward dives and jumps from the front end of the diving boards is permitted.
  • Back flips, back dives, cutaways, reverses, inwards, twists, sailor, sit-down and handstand dives are prohibited.
  • Running on the boards is prohibited.
  • Multiple bounces are prohibited.
Locker Rooms
  • Children over the age of 3 years old may not use the opposite gender’s locker room. A family changing room is available in the pool vestibule.
  • Lockers are available for daily use at no charge by checking out a lock at the equipment issues area in the Fitness Room or can be rented by speaking to Member Services
  • The water extractor is to be used for swim suits only.
  • Day use lockers must be emptied out by the close of business. Items in day lockers at the close of business may be removed and a fee charged for their return.
Fitness Areas
  • Individuals under the age of 16 are not permitted to use any fitness area.
  • All personal belongings must be secured in cubbies or lockers.  
  • Equipment may only be used for its’ intended purpose.  Participants are asked to read instructions and ask Department of Recreation and Wellness staff to instruct in proper use of each machine.
  • Spotters are recommended on all free weight press stations.
  • Collars are required on barbells.
  • Avoid slamming weights together or dropping dumbbells, barbells or plates on the floor.
  • Return and rack weights and equipment when finished,
  • Participants are asked to wipe off equipment after each use.  Reusable towels and spray bottles are available throughout the fitness spaces.
  • Closed-toe shoes must be worn at all times.
  • During busy periods, we ask participants to be considerate of other members and limit use of cardiovascular equipment to 10 minutes.
Indoor Track
  • No sprinting or team drills.
  • Slow lane on the inside and fast lane on the outside.
  • Track directions change by the day
    • Saturday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday – clockwise
    • Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday – counter clockwise
  • Track length - .1 of a mile (10 laps = 1 mile)
Racquetball and Squash Courts
  • Non-marking athletic shoes and shirts must be worn at all times.
  • Do not leave valuables outside of the courts.
  • Wrist straps are strongly recommended.
  • Protective eyewear is strongly recommended and available at the equipment issue area in the Fitness Room.
  • Use of courts for any activity, other than racquetball/squash, is prohibited.
Climbing Wall
  • Only individuals that have been officially approved by the climbing wall staff may belay.
  • When not climbing, please step out of the way of those climbing or wanting to climb.
  • Do not walk between belayer and climber.
  • Every climb must begin with a hands-on check.
  • Proper use of climbing commands is required at all times.
  • Personal items such as loose clothing, jewelry, watches, rings, bandanas, etc. Should be removed or controlled.
  • Proper footwear is required while climbing and belaying.  No bare feet.
Bouldering Area
  • Bouldering area is open all hours the Fitness & Aquatic Center is open.
  • Bouldering is at your own risk.
  • Spotting is encouraged.
  • Do not cross the route of another while climbing.
  • Proper footwear is required while climbing. No bare feet.
Ergometer Room
  • Individuals under the age of 16 are not permitted to use any fitness area.
  • Priority use of the ergometer room is for Intercollegiate Athletics.
  • Participants are asked to wipe off equipment after each use.  Reusable towels and spray bottles are available throughout the fitness spaces.
  • Closed-toe shoes must be worn at all times.