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Gender Inclusion

The following resources have been collaboratively gathered from the Office of Equity and Inclusion, Academic Affairs, Counseling Center, , Title IX and The Women's Center. This is not an exhaustive list. It offers a beginning place for community members to learn about gender diversity and inclusion. In addition to these resources, please consult department and office webpages for additional information.

To review and/or update your gender identity:鈥

  • Log in to Inside Loyola.鈥
  • Select .鈥赌赌
  • Click on your username in the upper right corner.鈥
  • Select User Profile.鈥
  • View Gender Identity below your Chosen Name.鈥
  • Click on Edit Personal Identity to update, edit as desired.鈥
  • Select Save.鈥

The term 鈥済ender鈥 is being used whether referring to gender or sex. Loyola acknowledges there is a difference. This is being done to eliminate confusion from different naming conventions in multiple data systems.

Changes at the federal level are impacting how the state of Maryland collects gender data. Loyola reports to the state through the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC). Currently, MHEC is addressing these changes and considering expanding reporting requirements to include more gender options.鈥

The changes to collecting federal data are coinciding with changes occurring to the Common App. The Common App is the main instrument an undergraduate student uses to apply to Loyola. This application allows students to choose a gender with which they identify. The graduate admission application serves the same purpose for graduate students and offers the same options. The process described here will be used for gender data collection at both the undergraduate and graduate student level. This change in our collected data will allow the institution to report students how they have chosen to be identified. All student gender data are self-reported by the student.鈥

As with any personal information, only business units with an educational or business need have use of these data. These data will be used in aggregate form for external required state and federal reporting, and rarely to provide focused educational assistance to students consistent with our stated mission and educational goals.

Resources at Loyola

Resources Outside of Loyola

Recommended Books

  • Barker, M., Iantaffi, A. (2019). Life Isn't Binary: On Being Both, Beyond, and In-Between. United Kingdom: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.